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So yeah, Taylor showed up. I know, we all thought I'd write 7 chapters of THaL expansion without including the H, right? But I kid.

Go read. These thoughts are for after you read.



So I could end it there, right? The part of me that likes poignant moments feels like that's a great moment to end the story on. We get some kind of resolution, even if it's not totally clear what will become of Taylor and Canon going forward. The way it ends in a very dot-dot-dot note in THaL has always made me want to go back and put more closure to it. Now we have, even if this is non-official, so props to the commissioner for bringing me back to the GHS table.

However... we were sorta not-at-all subtly promised an orgy. And now whatever sexytimes culiminate in jizzing all over Horen's keyboard. So the part of me that likes sex is like... why would you not deliver on that, you assface? So I dunno. Like I think I was saying when I released part one, I kinda expect I'll want to do a little more than I'd had written, and now you know that means the sex scene. But I dunno. I'm leaning that way, because I'm an eroticist and not Mitch Albom. Feel free to express your preferences in the comments and I'll let them guilt me or not as the mood strikes me.



Well, that's what you do best, right? Ending stories at poignant moments, right before or at the beginning of sex scenes. See THaL with Katie Medina, The Creep, Creeps, and I can think of a couple of TIOS short stories as well. How can I put this: It' really frustrating - but it also kinda works?


Hey, you leave Emerson out of this, Canon!


Taylor's the reason why people love THaL, even if they don't love Taylor. That relationship with her and Canon, it's the engine that drives THaL. The Serenex, the harem, the school... it's fun to think about, fun to read about, but none of it is as essential as Taylor and Canon. The tension and catharsis of that relationship, it's why THaL even *exists*. Everything after that is just satellites orbiting the greater significance of that toxic magnificence. This was really nice, getting to see them try and navigate... like, *themselves*. It's hilarious that Canon didn't see through Taylor's nostalgic scheme - YOU ARE AT A PARTY WHERE EVERYONE IS THEIR MOST ICONIC SELVES, YOU FUCKING DINGBAT - but falling for Taylor's bullshit is Canon's most prominent trait, so I sort of appreciate him also showing up in costume. The weird vulnerability of him confessing his hopes for their future, and her faking enough vulnerability to get to hear that he also wants to reset things, that's delightful storytelling. It's them still being mostly unsuccessful as stable romantic partners (he definitely wants to save her too much; she's Taylor Stern), while collectively trying to create a non-immolating status quo. It's adorably scary and frighteningly romantic. Do as many follow-up chapters as you want, man. You clearly know what this story needs.


I mean, I definitely want to see how they go at it now that they’ve made amends somewhat. I was not expecting her to show up and now that’s she here, well…


Eh, even for Canon the Doofus it should have been a hint when he coulnt find those "earplugs". Come on Mister...