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Here we are, part 3 of Critical Tits. Sometimes I walk away from something I wrote feeling like it amused me, or sometimes like it touched me, but there are few better feelings as an eroticist than walking away feeling like... yep, that was hot. Reactions may vary depending on what you're into, but hopefully you have fun with this one. I did, and I will as it continues.

On that note, I wanted to forewarn (or maybe just warn, at this point) that there may be some lapses in productivity. I'm moving soon, so I've been busting my ass cleaning and sorting and repairing and blahdy-blahing, and will probably keep being so for a little while. I'll definitely still be writing, but just know I may have some days where I'm just too exhausted. In the meantime, thanks to all of you for your support and understanding, and I promise I'll give you everything I can! 

More to come.


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