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- commission will be open from 20.01.2023 to 23.01.2023 ( my email:
  jsn.commissions@gmail.com )

- do not spam commission request before opening especially on my dm's unless it's
  a question related to rules, do/don't, or some uncertainties, etc  

- prices, rules, how to email me and more details (sorry for grammar it's an old sheet
  xD ) https://www.patreon.com/posts/commissions-info-69886089

- I will know if you didn't read the rules. 




what's ligma


What time zone do we go by for when it is the 20th?


might be Central European Standard Time, but it doesn't matter that much considering the window for taking commission will be 3 days, it's fine if you send request like a day earlier for example or like a day after commission are closed, im not THAT strict xD