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현재 마감을 위해 열심히 하고 있습니다

12월 마지막 주인공은 파이널판타지 리메이크 에어리스였습니다 

그녀의 분위기를 최대한담으려고 노력했습니다

그럼 저는 다시 작업하러!! (항상 감사합니다!! Happy New Year ) 


I'm working hard for the deadline.

The last protagonist of December was Final Fantasy7 Remake Aerith .

I'm not ready yet, but I'm showing you because I'm sure you're curious about who it is.

I tried to express the warmth of her heart.

Then I'll go back to work! (Always thank you!! Happy New Year )




마지막 20년 잘 보내세요! 내년도 잘 부탁드립니다! happy new year!


20년 막날이었네요 해피뉴이어!! 감사합니다 항상 지금처럼 열심히 하겠습니다!


새해엔 건강하고 튼튼한 손목으로..! 에어리스 수년의 히로인!


새해소망은 마감일을 지키고 싶어요!! 건강하고 튼튼한 손목과 함께 항상 감사해요 해피뉴이어!



Incredible colors and she is absolutely beautiful! 💖 once again thank you and good continuation.

니카로마 (LDJ)

올해 마무리 잘하시고 다음년도에도 잘 부탁드려요~


I wanted to paint her as beautiful as I could. Thank you. Thank you for always worrying about my health.


일년동안 지켜봐주셔서 감사해요! 내년에도 열심히 달려보겠습니다! 해피뉴이어~~!


This looks VERY promising and beautiful, thanks! =^.^= However, I'm somewhat worried that her breasts might be too big here. She's a slender girl and I would appreciate it, if you could support her delicate, elegant body features too. =^.^= So please don't draw Aerith with the usual big breasts / curves. Or offer variants with smaller breasts please. :) Your efforts are very much appreciated! And I also wish you a happy New Year! Your content made 2020 a much better year for me! ^^


She's really pretty! Thanks for the fantastic work!

Makima x Denji LEWDS

I think you need to fix her eye. One looks a bit looking to the wrong side.


I like the look in her eyes in this scene. When I stare at one place, I feel like I'm looking at something. Don't worry. She's got a lot of facial expressions.


I actually like the atmosphere she has. I was impressed by her sad story in the game. I wanted to express both her exterior and her inner self. Sooner or later, I'll see the completion. Please look forward to it.