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Hello people, Mayhem here.

I decided to move to new place in the first week of this month.

There are many reasons for moving, but the most important reason for this moving is for my better working environment.

I've been spent most of income for my family and now, their health issues got much better compared to last year.

(again I would like to say huge thanks for all of you about supporting.)

But I really didn't cared myself through last 2 years, and I am paying the price for that.

So I decided to move for better place to work for my own projects and drawings.

Luckily I was able to find out reasonable contract and made first step.

Now, I'm preparing to move and packing up and some papers for moving. I'm expecting I could move on July 31 through August 1.

In the mean time, I mostly spent my drawing time for working on Commissions, but couldn't work much as I expected.

And I expect there's more real life issues coming in next month, so I can't make a promise that I could make proper rewards.

I'm really sorry about this, but I will keep trying to make a progress and share my status.

- Mayhem



just take care man