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(Edit: it's come to my attention that raffles might not jive with Patreon's ToS, sooo, lets try this again.)

I've been trying to put together ideas to add to the patreon.

When there was only a few of you I took requests and would do a couple a month, but The patreon's grown and that just isn't feasible in the long run.

Alright, I think it might be best to maybe take requests from each tier and let y'all vote on the ones you like most!

I think we can all agree that working together to make great tum art we can all enjoy is best!

(    ;    )

Side notes on the Game project, it's sorta stalled out a bit as I work on trying to figure out how to progress with it, do I make a sprite for the alien, something new for me or try one of RPG makers other options, a scene based clicker (if that's how it works) as in your sprite wanders up into the attic to find her and the scene goes from top down to a visual novel type scene? and your options selected causes the scene to change. 


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