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Hi again everyone, welcome to a new month! I like to wait a few days to do these updates because it can take a bit for memberships to be processed. I'd like to first mention that this has been the best month ever for patron retention, so many of you decided to stick around and that means so so much to me! I put everything into my work here so I'm so glad I'm able to share it with you all.

Next, I'm still not fully recovered from surgery, but I've doing much better! I cant eat solid foods yet so I've been very tired and hungry, so I'm working a little slowly but nothing I can't handle. Farrago and Lab assistant will be updated as normal!

Next, October patreon mail will be shipped next week, I'm still waiting for the prints to come in! Thank you as always for your patience with mail, it might start to be a little bit more hectic as the holidays get closer.

Lastly, I've been trying to make the decision to put my patreon on pause or not for the month of December. I've been going back and forth on this for a while and still haven't been able to come to a decision. What that would mean for you all, is should you decide to remain a patron, you would not be charged for the month of December, but there would be no uploads. The billing cycle would resume again on the 1st of January. It's a tough decision for me, next week is my 3 year anniversary on patreon and I have not once taken a break. This December every weekend I will be in a different state for either conventions or other reasons on top of general holiday madness. I am going to be incredibly busy but really don't like the idea of taking a break from comic uploads, but my break wouldn't even REALLY be a break for me lol. I'm not really sure what I'll do yet but it's something to think about.

Anyways, thanks for reading and have a goof November :)



Take a break if you need one, we’ll be here when you come back


TAKE 👏 A 👏 BREAK 👏 You deserve one and you have a lot on your plate already!!