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Hi guys! I hope you're having a fantastic January. For me it's a mixed bag. I knew I was going to show off how Turn is coming this month, but I thought I'd be able to share more.

Turn has been... transforming a bit. The gameplay has been getting a lot of attention and the game resolution has increased by 50%. And the truth is, I've missed some major internal deadlines. I don't think I'm gonna charge this month. It isn't that I haven't been working - quite the opposite - it's just that with comics on pause and nothing but screenshots to show for now, I think it's for the best.

To those who tell me they're here to support me regardless of the content I release, I appreciate you so much. But I've always tried to offer people value for money. I don't have anything to give you this month aside from some peeks, and I am much more productive when I don't feel this guilt about an empty page.

But I'm not going anywhere. Here as always, working away. I hope you'll stick around and we can hopefully see something more exciting next time around. Love to you all.



Good to see this stuff Cora! Keep up the great work!! Looking forward to more Turn and arts!!

Little Napoleon

Super excited to see all the work you're continuing to put into this! Will the witch transform the player character into a higher or lower resolution as part of the gameplay? :P The latest sprite is looking really slick! If he keeps transforming into higher resolution, maybe he'll end up like one of those hyperrealistic sprites from 90's adventure games!