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My OCs, The Badass Bitch and Silver, as Ryuko and Satsuki from Kill la Kill.

Looks like they're ready to face off! 



Lucas Bechtol

Looks great, as always. But two questions: Silver looks kind of villainous here, but I'm not familiar with Kill La Kill. Is she a villain? Also, are these better resolution than the ones on Twitter? Just curious, really.


Everything I post here is higher resolution than what gets posted to Twitter and elsewhere. It's probably not that apparent unless you zoom in a bit though. Silver is dressed as Satsuki Kiryuin, who is the main antagonist during the first half of the series. The anime is only like 25 episodes or something so you should totally watch it if you're interested! It's pretty ridiculous and over-the-top at times but that's why I like it!