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After a close tiebreaker round, Hermione from Harry Potter has earned her spot as the Ace of Hearts in our deck of sexy playing cards! 

I decided, for these cards, I want to give the characters sexy "casino attire" like fancy dresses, suits, etc. while still having it stay kind of true to the character. I actually had a lot more details included in this design originally, but after struggling with it for a while I decided I preferred the simpler look.  If I am able to print an actual deck of these once they're all drawn, I may go back and tweak some of the designs. 

Variants coming soon. Hope you enjoy! 




Not a huge fan of the entire Harry Potter franchise, but I have to say, she looks goooood

Lucas Bechtol

Love the dress, the pose, the expression... just love it. Can't wait to see what you do with the variant.


Its an elegant dress

Daniel Blom Paulsen

😍 LOVE the dress (getting slight suit vibes, which is punnily appropriate), and your faces get better and better!