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A new year is upon us and with it comes brand new pin-up polls to partake in!  I've been pretty busy lately working on commissions and dealing with the holidays so let me just apologize in advance for any delays with this month's drawings.   

With this new year, I wanted to change things up a bit and put a new spin on these monthly pin-ups.  Going forward, all the suggestions I receive from you guys will go into the first poll each month, and the second poll will contain characters of my choosing.  I'll come up with a theme each month and the second poll will contain characters I've chosen relating to that theme.  This is originally how I planned on handling the two polls every month but I sort of abandoned the idea somewhere down the line, so now I'm bringing it back!

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, all the monthly pin-ups in the new year will be drawn in the style of sexy magazine covers.  Something like this:

Instead of pin-ups, they'll be called "cover girls."  I've always wanted to draw a series of fake magazine covers and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity!  I'm also going to try to make the main drawing "sexier" and more pin-up like, like you might see on the cover of an actual magazine.  And of course, there will still be variants. 

I'm really excited about all this going forward and I hope you all are too!  If everyone's not as enthused as I am though, just let me know and we can do something different.  

And with that all being said, you can post your suggestions for 2021's first poll in the comments below!


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