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November's second poll winner is my original character Lilith!

Lilith is a Lust Demon and a character that I like to use in lewder drawings.  I actually came up with her as part of a project I had in an art class some years ago, then later repurposed her for smutty drawings, haha.

I've said it many times before but it really makes me happy to know that people enjoy my original characters!



Lucas Bechtol

Nice. But, now that you mention it, I am incredibly curious as to what this art project was...


We had to create a modernized version of a mythical character or creature. We had a little book full of characters and creatures to choose from and I picked Lilith, a figure from Jewish mythology who was the first wife of Adam (of Adam and Eve) and is often depicted as a sort of demonic figure and a seducer of men. I really liked the design I came up with so later on I just decided to make her my own character with her own sort of backstory/lore.