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Hey everybody!

The new year is right around the corner and with it is coming a few changes to how I’m gonna do some things here on Patreon.  It’s nothing really too major, I just wanted to give everyone here a little heads up beforehand.

First off, new patrons will be charged up front from now on.  At the moment, any new patrons are charged at the beginning of the month regardless of when they decide to pledge, so someone who pledges in the middle of the month will not be charged until the next one.  Going forward, people will be charged for the current month the minute they decide to become a patron.  Now if you’re already a patron, this really has no effect on you unless you decide to increase or decrease your pledge amount.  Otherwise, you’ll still be charged at the first of each month as always.

I think all that is pretty self-explanatory, but for more details just check out Patreon’s help page here.  I’m sure they explain it all better than I do:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283

Secondly, there will now be two pin-up polls every month!  The first poll will be held during the first week of each month and will still consist of characters suggested by patrons.  A second poll will now be held during the third week of each month and will consist of characters chosen by me.  I have a big list of characters I’ve been meaning to draw for a while now so I figure this might help me get around to actually doing it.  Character suggestions for the next poll will now be held during the last week of each month.  And of course, $5+ patrons can still expect to receive variants of each pin-up. 

Finally, I’m pretty sure most of you who support me are here mainly for the pin-ups, sexy gals, and NSFW stuff (hey, I don’t blame you).  Going forward, anything I draw during the month that doesn’t fall into one of those categories will be posted in a .zip file at the end of each month for $1+ patrons.  Sometimes I feel like I bombard my timeline with the sort of art that people aren’t really here for, so I figure this will be a way to keep everything less cluttered while still posting all that stuff.  So if you do like all my random Jojo drawings, video game fan art, and other SFW stuff, you can get the high quality versions in the .zip file at the end of the month now!  Of course, any sexy pin-ups or NSFW stuff will still be posted here right away!

I think that pretty much covers it all but if you have any further questions feel free to comment here or message me.  Also, if you have any suggestions about ways I could make this Patreon better or rewards you might like to see in the future, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.  I’m always open to ideas!

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!     


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