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Next Quickie Poll Winner: Plump!
(I personally think that's the best option for this specific scene. I'll try my best to make use of that)

I wanted to announce the poll winner with some previs (previsualiziation). Basically a  early WIP of the scene and the core idea but I didn't find time for that yet so I announce it plainly.^^

I'm in the final stages of finalizing the sound for version 2 of Nerd to Chick. Since it's longer and has more shots I've to restructure the project a bit which results in more work on top of having to do more sound effects in the first place. I should be able to finish it tomorrow.

Meanwhile I'm doing some testing and preparing for the next quickie. The first WIPs should arrive in a few days. :)


Robert Louis Stoll

I don't know how much this would help with your process, but would it help to animate it fully like you did Nerd to Chick 1, then splice cut aways to specific features for emphasis. I loved the first version of Nerd to Chick myself but especially revolving to longer takes it may help shorten the work load


That's what I actually did for v2.^^ If I do just one version it would be less work, yes. This one was designed to be a full body shot transformation and I decided to do a version 2 with close-ups later on because I put so much work into most parts of the body.


Will you be using the models from HDTGTF from May 22nd 2022 anytime soon? Those looked great!