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I saw that a bunch of people commented and gave feedback on my latest animation which is always appreciated. I want to make something clear though:

The Nerd to Chick animation falls under the category "Quickie" which means I plan rather little time for those animations to be able to provide animated content constantly. Due to this concept I've to design animations around this fact. I can't animate and render animations of 5 minutes length every 2-4 weeks, that's just not feasible, at least in this quality. Even this short animation took me at least 100-150 hours of work.
I also work on main projects which are/will be way longer than those quickies and this also allows me to design the transformation with less restrictions which usually results in them being slower paced and longer.

Anyway, I hope this clarified it a little bit more for those who were unaware.


Robert Louis Stoll

It's tragic people don't realize what it actually takes for even a minute of footage. One of the biggest reasons they go see films that destroy the special effects companies that largely made them what they were.


yeah the people saying the animation seemed rush arent being realistic about the time and work involved. I think the nerd to chick was quite well done and impressive for the short time frame involved


even this small animation looked so good! but i also love to see a bigger animation. like a scottish girl, a new skin and such becuz those where awesome aswell and it has been a while :) but anyways i love ure stuff