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A Happy New Year to all of you! We made it!!!

This was a really tough year for most of us but we fought our way through it. Brighter days lie ahead and I hope you all stay healthy and happy or find happiness very very soon! Remember, there will be always good days.
As a artist I'm proud of individual projects like the summer beach animation for example but I feel like I wasn't as productive as I wanted to be in retrospect.
I managed to fix my biggest issue at the end of this year though (work/life schedule) and there's things to come in 2021, which I'm going to adjust to make my life easier and give me more time to work on my projects and have less stress.

Furthermore I want to give a big shoutout to all of you, my supporters. I'm super thankful that you give me the privilege to work on what I love to do every year and I'm super thankful that you sticked with me during a crisis like this which gave me financial security to survive those dark times. I know that there's a lot of businesses like restaurants who have a really bad time currently. I want to encourage you guys to order more food, give more tip money and be extra kind to people who are impacted the most by it. (If your finances allow it of course)
I also want to give a extra big shout-out to people who sticked with me for months and even years(!) and continue to support me. You are the best!!! I'm also extremely thankful that most of my commissioners were really nice to work with, thank you! If you read this, I hope I did your commissions to your fullest satisfaction and I'm more than happy to work with you guys again if the opportunity arrives. I'll always try to give my best and improve myself.

Look forward to a lot more TG content from me in 2021. I'm 1000000% gonna finish the Succubus Project the upcoming months and I can't wait for working on what is to come. ;)

See you all in 2021! Cheers.



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