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✨❤️Thank you very much for All the Support!❤️✨

I would like to start saying thank you very much to you, the 65 patrons who support this artist! thanks a lot for all your support! even with this lack of content I been having you're keeping your faith in me and that really means a lot! I have no words how to express my thanks for your confidence and thanks a lot for your messages these last couple days, I am not a very talkative person but they means a lot!

Usually I talk about my personal thoughts at the end of every update post but I think I will do an exception this time because I think is important and it's related with the uncertain future of my content since, as you can see, things are not getting better, not much has happened but that does not mean they are not important about myself.

I had a little bone damage in my shoulders a month ago which was hindering me up my arm to draw, I saw the traumatologist and he said is nothing to worry about and the pain will fade with the time, I just been prohibited to hold some heavy weights for a month, the pain is almost gone now and I can work, I find this episode kinda funny.

The other topic is something I been dealing along this last two years, at the start it was not very notorious but these last four months I simply can't handle it, I been forced to drink some Complex B with vitamin B12 which was keeping me kinda functional at until this point and now the vitamins are not working and I feel like this all the time and I simply feel like shit. I saw the psychiatrist and she gave me an order to get some drugs for something I not produce in my brain and something to can sleep better, I been taking that medication but the drugs are not working, I been feeling in the same way like these last four months and I'm worried my body simply does not absorb the medicine I take. I feel confusion which difficult me to focus on what I'm doing, I have little memory loss, difficulties to walk and a serious problem of insomnia (the most part of days I just sleep four hours) and the medicine is not helping. my last hopes is see that psychiatrist and the neurologist again but if you let me be honest, I'm almost losing all my hopes to can get better, I'm simply tired and sometimes I can't contain my sorrow for thinking about how I will feel this next year at my early 23 years.

The last thing which has been scaring me, adding to all of this, I been feeling my heart acting weird, I take my pulses and they're very weak and irregular, sometimes I count 60-70 pulses per minute but suddenly raises to 80-100 pulses per minute, considering that I been feeling my left arm weird in that episodes where I keep completely calm to can take that kind of measurements, plus I see myself at the mirror and see my face... older than I should look... it's weird, adding this gives me all the paranoia and the horrible feeling I will die soon or something which scares me a lot.

But basically that's the reason I been out these last days, I been not int the mood to be in the social media, even I am not in the mood to see my own family, all this health problems, the stress, the disappointments, the raising rent, the anxiety the Ukraine war gives me and the hopeless feelings just make me wonder how much else I can handle until I broke and I don't know what to do.

I'm so sorry for worrying a few of you with my sudden absence.

I'm considering cancel this current commissions but the fact is I have no money to can do that so I'm forced to finish up them so for the guys who commissioned me something I beg for more time until I can be able to manage all this.

I set up a new calendar to work my stuff which will start until I finish up the current commissions, and that calendar is up to changes too depends how I feel.

Thanks a lot to those who raised your pledge to help me with your donations, this means a lot to me! and I hope I can continue doing more content for you!

This may be the last update post I do in a while, I hope this can make you see the things clear about the future of this page. Thanks a lot for keeping your subscription supporting my stuff, I been surviving thanks to you since Patreon is my only income source, thanks a lot for the memories you gave and for helping me to improve the quality of my art, this last 5 years were very funny and everything is thanks to you!

✨❤️ P E A C E ! ❤️✨

💸Commission price changes💸

  • Commissions are for the $15 Tier only.
  • I added the genres I can work now about the WoG!
  • I will open animated commissions again when we reach the $1,000 Goal so that depends on how much people will support this page.

⚠️Reward changes⚠️

⏰Reward dates⏰

  • 15th: 🙏❤️Supporter❤️🙏
  • 24th/25th: 🏅Golden FOLLOWER🏅
  • 1st: 🌟💎DIAMOND FAN💎🌟

⚠️Discord: All FINISHED/FULL content will be posted there!⚠️

To avoid possible leaks from certain pages, all the future finished content will be posted on Discord only from now! Make sure your Patreon and Discord are linked so you can get in, if you do not have a Discord account, PLEASE CREATE ONE to can continue receiving your proper rewards! ❤️

  • Step 1: Log in to your Patreon account, and head to the Apps tab of your Profile settings page.
  • Step 2: Click the option to Connect option next to the Discord app.
  • Step 3: Now that your Patreon and Discord accounts are communicating, our integration will assign you the role tied to your tier!

Message me if you encounter technical issues.

⛔Deleted posts by a PATREON STRIKE⛔

No matter how much I tried to keep the stuff apart from my page... yep! I received a strike from the Patreon staff for involving some genres which goes against the Patreon Community Guidelines, I received a message after this warning and I had to remove some of my works, now the strike was removed and we can breathe easy but the posts which got deleted from this page are the following ones:

  • Mewtwo kiss remake (animated loop)
  • Jim offering the deal [doodle]
  • The Bomber gang Deal [animated loop]
  • Safari Kangaskhan [animated loop]

Those posts are still available in the Discord role channels from my server and the future posts (even if those pieces are not catalogued like that or not involves those generes at all, but it's out from the Patreon Community Guidelines anyway [like those deleted posts]) will be posted there from now so be sure to join! if you do not have a Discord account, PLEASE CREATE ONE.


Daft Punk - Horizon (Japan bonus track)

Daft Punk - Horizon (Japan bonus track) [RAM] http://www.daftpunk.com/ http://www.randomaccessmemories.com/ https://www.facebook.com/daftpunk 2013 Daft Life Limited under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment.



Keeping you in prayer bro ❤️


take good care of yourself man