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Heya everyjuan~ 💖
Hope u're having a gud time with your relatives, friends, waifus, or fictional characters; love is love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, oh no;
Maybe this is not a gud christmas present for some of you, but i'll be brief:


Here i'll write the brief version, and in FAQS more info;

In summary, i just wanna take a break of my responsabilities as a creator: This is having new content every couple of days and check out my social sites, in favor to finally continuing improving my arrrrt.

I'll be pausing this campaign for a minimun of two (2) months. So during next couple of days i'll be ceasing my communication;

I'm sure you have a couple of questions, so i'll be answering some FAQS bellow:


FAQS and some details:

What will happen with the exclusive content?

Since i won't be receiving incomes from old content cuz i won't charge here, all my current exclusive content will be released in a couple of days.

Why don't stack it till you come back to charge for it?
I'm sure i won't be proud of my old content when i come back; Even if i like it now, i'm sure that i'll feel unconfortable charging for it; so i prefer to just release it; in the end if i don't do eet by myself, it'll be leaked someday.
They're just drawings, and i'm sure they'll make people happier in internet than in a dusty mega folder: I draw cuz i want people enjoying what i can do. That's why i wanna improve.

Why doing this?
As i said, i just wanna improve;
I know that i have certain level, but cuz my responsabilities finishing drawings and paying attention to 'my kind' of content, i don't put the effort i would like practicing or learning new stuff. And i hate to not being able to do what I KNOW that i can do.
It's not that i hate how i draw, is that i know that i can do it better, but i can't prove it. And this needs time. A lot of time.

What you will do? And how much time will take it?
My plan is to take a couple of months just to deconstruct myself; Learning the bases and trying again and again, just like now... but without the hurry to have something to share.
I'm sure that i won't draw the same when i come back. But that's the point; to find the best version of myself. I say two months; but tbh i'm not sure if two months will be enough. So if things change and i need more time, you will know.

What will happen with the server?
The server will be still there, but i won't;
Maybe i can go and say Hello once or twice per week; but i'll leave my mods caring that place while i'm ofline.

What will happen with the token masters?
Since there are people that i still wanna pay for their kindness, i'll be talkin with em via PM to draw things for em when i'm ready~

What will happen with the commission proporsals?
I'll steal em :nuhaha:
Well i mean, if u don't mind, i'll take those i like and use em to practice or whatever; in the end i'll need inspiration from now on.
But i don't hink i'll take more comms til i come back.
In the end, as i said i'm sure my artstyle will change a lot, or that's the plan.

Will you share your practices, wips or finished drawings?
I won't share my practices or whatever; and this is cuz i don't want to wait for approbation or attention; I'm doing this cuz first of all, i wanna improve for myself.

Will you stop drawing NSFW?
Hmmm; i don't think so. I mean, i'll be drawing a lot less of my current kind of content cuz my style distort the reality too much.
I'm not saying that i wanna draw in a realistic way from now; but my brand is a chain that restrict myself too much.
But NSFW pays.
And even if now i sounds like i'm a real artist, and i love to draw and it's my passion; Nothing is further from reality.
If you talked with me, you know that drawing is not my passion.
I enjoy doing things right; and i'm not doing it as right as i want. So since i know that NSFW gimme 💸 i won't stop.

What will happen with your moral and mental health?
Thanks to my growing in internut i met awesome people; And i won't stop talkin with em;
It's the same irl; I think i didn't say it here, but my plan is simple; i'll just lock myself in my room to study and i don't wanna go outside with firends or whatever: I know that it sounds unhealthly but don't worry JAJAJ i'll be fine; i'll send audios once per day, take sun and drink water; I will also ask for help if i'm sad or whatever; like always~
The only difference between my current self and my future self is that the time i spent in the pc answering messages or finishing content, will be used to studiying or practicing~

Will you be fine without working for such long time?
Well, quarentine ruined my plans to move out my patria; don't worry about my economic situation; i have enough saves to spend with enough comodities a couple of months in the thirdword; So i'll be fine, even if i don't take comms, or receive donations; thank you for your concern!


I think that's all;
If u have any other question, feel free to ask me here or in our discord server;
I'll be still here for a couple of days more;
If you miss me, think that it's for my sake; you know me. I promise you that i'll be workin hard to improve my content;
So if you love me, you'll leave me go.


Minh Do

Yo u have a dick or a vagina ?


We'll be here for you when you return, Ruru!