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Heya peeps~
Thank you for being able to help me another month; Hope u're doing gud; i'm shining 💖 !


Tbh i can't remember the most of my previous month (?)
But according with my mega-folder i made a lot of content;;; That is a mini story about S huten douji, a color comic page of Tsunade, three other color drawings and that Bow sette's 4 pages color comic: OHHH~ now i remember what i tried to do last month; but i started at the end of the month with that Bow sette's minicomic and i san't able to test it easily: FACK.
I'll try to do it this one, but i'm already full with other project; aghhghgg.

Oh, and i received my first 3dprinter so i'm printing some weeabo collectibles 🎮


I just made three days and we're in the 8th day JAJAJA; So I already gave up of finish 31 days, but i'll do my besto with the rest of em;
I made a list of characters i wanna draw, so let's try to leave it simple and continue with this;;;
Aghhh; i also have a couple of unfinished projects that i'm delaying bcs the month; these are Raven's set, a minicomic about certain vamp gal, and Ow ideas;;; But i wanna focus, so let's give em pause until next month, pretty please;
So this month. my plans are:

  • First of all, i'll try to keep the amount of spooky drawings 🎃; they'll be just lineart, so i think i can continue with this production easily;  i hope (?)
  • The second thing is hmmm; well, i didn't plain anything; so i think i'll just practice more rendering and write a tutorial about color.

I think that's all;
JAJAJ reading my previous update i failled in many ways; And everything was bcs instead practicing in little drawings, i made big projects like that Tsunade and Bowsettes;;;;; This month i'll do my best to do simpler things; but i already failed making those Mileena drawings JAJAJ; next ones will be simpler; i hope :'0000

So for now my priorities are:
Spooky drawings 🎃 ==>  Training

Changing the topic i copy paste again this message bcs i think various of you don't know:

I'm not sure if you know it, but i don't share sketches here, that's bcs i don't consider them something 'serious' . Or EJEM; bcs i don't want to be punished JAJJAJ, so the most of my content is on za Discord server;

And keep in mind that since last twenty three months i'm not sharing content here; Even more, i'll deleting my previous posts to maintain patreon just as a transaction page: the content will be on Discord and za MEGA-folder


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