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I just edited this to send u another mail to remind u that u can still vote JAJAJA***


This will be the first of three polls:

This time we'll vote for a drawing for the next week:
That is, the winner of this poll will be drawn once.
And In adition of that, she'll participate in the third poll of the month.

Next week i'll do another poll with other five waifus.
When one of them wins, I will draw her too, and she will participate in the third poll of the month.

Last poll will be one between latest two winners.
Who wins two polls will star in the next minicomic on december~


This will be a NTR minicomic.

The scenario and co-protagonist depends of the winner, but it will contain ugly bastards, cucking and lewdness; If you have in mind a possible scenario, u can comment to try to convice other voters: I'll just say that certain 'blind' gurl cucking the president with certain  ex-president would be nice; winky winky


The rules are the same as always:

  • You can vote for as many characters as you want
  • In case of a tie, I will choose the winner by myself



Damn Rinko ain't even got a chance againsts these others...That's sad...


ay, me voy a suicidar si no gana Portugal .. digo Mitsuki


Welp, thats unfortunate. Guess ill tune out for this comic. My poor rinko.