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Greetings everyone.

I beg your pardon for my long absence; like many people these days, i've had some rather unpleasant time, when  i've had to go into hiatus due to several reasons. It started back in May, with absolute insane weather, issues with internet connection and other stuff, and continued this month with some other things that kept me away from internet for a while. It seems taht situation is getting better now, but i'm still trying to be careful, everything already went so wrong that i simply don't know what to think. Anyway, i'll try to get back to my duties here as soon as possible. 

Must warn you that i've got some minor troubles with my tablet, that makes the drawing process a bit tricky; i'm almost sure that it's software-related thing, and i'll try to resolve this problem very soon.

Great thanks to everyone for your support, and stay safe.


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