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if I have to bring out the characters of both Buryat and Katya I'd have to completely re-write their backstory and design for a better, more fitting role starting by giving them an actual normal hair color, a more Russian background and design, appropiated cultural impact and of a still grousome death

List of changes:

1) No Purgatory, they're in Hell
2) They are Muscovites, no longer hail from the city of Vorkuta
3) Skinhead background changed, they're just angry slavs (chelsea haircut stays cus looks good on her)
4) No redemption, Even after death they're both unrepentend
5) Backstory heavely inspired and set by the 2006 rise in ethnic tensions in Russia

If I have to bring them back I wanna at least expand more on the background so they're less seen as a comedy relif and more of some irredimable figures, I always love writing character with no happy endings.




I’m going to miss their old lore a lot


love the intricate tattoos of Bulat.


People who want her with red hair could probably get it with occasional hair dye, but I doubt she'd take any to hell. It was def an unnatural red anyway.


My headcanon is that the original siblings got over their issues and moved on, and these two are completely unrelated. The siblings before had nuance, something vaguely human to them. These two seem like caricatures of people, which I suppose makes them better punching bags for comedic relief.