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Inks and colors next! Many feelings are crossing Bukka's mind right now, which is making her hesitate in her actions. However, what remains of her inner Breeder queen side is still awake and determined to prevent Bukka's body from suffering any harm.

At least the bunny girl is enjoying a nice view~ <.<




Man. I hope we get to see Bukka smooch Vodka, or latch on to one of those tiddies. Pretty sure if done right, she can bluescreen the shork. <3

Julian Hartmann

In some fight scenes, there's a possibility of blood being shown flying through the air. In Xpray's fight scenes, it's more likely to be milk. Also: smexy tongue! Can we see it going somewhere? Since I'm huge on Taimanin's Astaroth, I picked up a bit of a thing for that.