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Check your inbox! September's rewards have been sent to all patrons whose pledge went through. Please remember to grab your rewards before the end of the month! If your pledge went through and you haven't received your pack yet, if you have questions or if you're having any kind of issue with the links/files, please let me know and I'll be more than glad to help you!

All those patrons with their pledge still in "pending" state, do NOT worry: you will receive the rewards as soon as it gets processed. Remember, pledges that have been declined for multiple months in a row without any kind of communication/notification will be removed.

I hope you enjoy the rewards! Thank you so much for your kind, always generous support; It really means so much to me and I appreciate it a lot!


What to expect this month?

Halloween is here! Definitely one of the best (if not the best) festivities/seasons of the year, especially art-wise ๐Ÿ‘ป

-Pictures: Two new pictures! The first one will feature the my classic female werewolf, who I have been drawing every year since 2017. The second pinup will probably include Mal0 in... quite an interesting situation with the viewer. I have something fun planned!

-Last Survivor - Final Episode: Path A2(1): Bukka and Vodka meet again, but not how the bunny girl would have liked to: her fears have become a reality and now she has to confront the person she loves the most. However, said "confrontation" might lead to something else, since she knows the shark girl's weakness...

-Series - Workout Partners: 2-3 pages left before the ending! It's time to see how Antilla and Makoto continue their life as workout partners and something more.

-3D Art/animations: Halloween-themed short animation! Weredragon Xpray is on the loose again and he never forgets that familiar face who treats him so nicely. In addition to that, I'll also show a teaser of my next model (and the big 3D project it's being made for) if everything goes well!

-Side Sketches: Random sketches and/or a hand-drawn animation if time allows :)

-Polls and other content: As always, polls to decide new pictures, ideas, animations or projects that are coming soon, besides what characters will appear in them!


Thank you SO much again for another month with lots of content! As always, I'll keep you updated with possible new ideas for projects, WIPs and other surprises <3




Especially excited to see the 3D animation :3


Great pack^^ I thought we might get an alt comic pages of LS where our corrupted rabbit girl's pregnant belly would continued to keep growing pass the already big hyper phase:p