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  • Aurenn Walk (Test).mp4



Don't forget to check the full-resolution video in the attachments!

It has been a while since the last time I created a new 3D model back in January (Wennie), so it's time to expand the "crew" again!

Given the fact we're in "Mayternity", I thought Aurenn was a good candidate. Also, she proved to be a really good and fun challenge with those extra body parts! The model is still a WIP, but it's close to completion :3

I hope you like her!



Fen Longpaw

Oh my! Shi is a whole lot of woman right there. I would expect nothing less!


When I saw the tease on FA I thought it might've been a pregger Lady Xpray doing the walk but this also makes sense lol.

Julian Hartmann

Geez, this not only comes straight outta nowhere, you gave her heels! Heeeeeeels! Step on me, dragon mommy!


Nice work. Gotta imagine how difficult it is to breasts animation, let alone double rows of breasts.

Stephen Smith

Looks like it wouldn't be easy to add pregnancy to this model given the extra pair of tits.


It's our quad titty dragon herm can't wait to see her get pregnant and whatever else you have planned


It's nice seeing her joining the ranks of your 3d models~


We need more of 3D Aurenn!


Like? Hell no, I absolutely love this towering and voluptuous golden dragoness! I can never get enough of my gorgeous goddess Aurenn!


The golden goddess arrives in all her glory and she looks very pleased to be here! The way she bounces is hypnotic ^^


Sadly, Lady Xpray can't get pregnant because she has no female reproductive organs. However, I'll make sure this 3D model of Aurenn gets a "generously sized" gravid belly :P


Thank you so much! It'll be such a huge pleasure to share all the animations and renders I have been planning of her :D Also, she needs more kitty keeping her company~ 💛


Thanks! I can't wait to finish the model and include her in animated projects :D


Haha I agree! At first I thought I went too crazy with the bouncing and I was really tempted to change it, but I ended up enjoying how mesmerizing it looks :P


It'll be a pleasure! I have interesting ideas planned for her, including preggy scenes of course :)


Oh, I already tested it! The gravid belly looks good if I move her bottom row a bit to the sides. I'll share the first renders soon.


Thank you! It's surprisingly easy to animate them (at least imo), although the rigging part is a bit more complicated since I have to make sure every bone moves the correct breast individually.


Do you think sometime in the future, there is an Aurenn 3D animation? It would be nice to see you do more 3D animations. I have seen your work age like fine wine. Plus, I have watched your journey as your made your art. The progress I have seen is nothing short of amazing. You have made great work, and I love it. Keep it up


Thank you so much for your kind words :). There'll be a few 3D animation projects featuring her, for sure!


Well ya learn something new everyday. Also that sounds amazing and hawt can't wait to see!!


nice work