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Inks and colors next! A sneak peek of Kang's recordings and the -kind of crazy- situations everyone around Bukka had to deal with, while she was busy with her inner fight.

On a side note, there's a lot of new content coming this week! Besides the finished version of this page, a new page of "Workout Partners", some Mayternity-related renders and a teaser of a new -sexy- 3D model will also be posted this week :D




Damn she looks absolutely huge!

Julian Hartmann

Eep, that looks gorgour, why did you keep it away form us for so long? Makes me get my hopes up for the eventual total corruption path, you really have to bust out your A game for that. Which you always do.


I don’t blame her dropping her jaw. Though seriously, how many eggs were even in her???? Last we checked she was huge, but not Breeder Queen’s level of huge o/////o


I'm loving what I'm seeing~

Fleur Dryke

oh dear lord, this looks intense


Good God! Now wanna see more of that! Bukka looked Gigantic! Even her breasts were as large as Ogla! Can we ask for a 3D animation of this specific event?


Her breasts reached her feet. The rest of her got ridiculously huge, but that's hard to tell just how big. I'm hoping Kang had the forethought to run back far enough to get all of her in frame at her very biggest. I'm really hoping she's not done growing and will be back to those sizes soon! Maybe another romp with Kang would do the trick?


I'm really hoping Xpray does this! A Bukka growth animation would be phenomenal!


Same here! Now wondering if her milk capacity would increase as well?


Full Body Growth, Milking capacity from leaking to massive fountain flow, and maybe even the egg laying as well!


Really hoping the next page gives us the full scope of bukkas enhancements. Is this what she’ll look like in the path where she submits to the corruption?


This path is her fighting off the corruption. And has eggs from Khan. So no, I don't think so.


"You guy's seeing this shit?!" -Kang (maybe) Damn that is a sight behold! I've got to give credit to the reactions, they're hilarious xD


Thank you, Julian! I'm planning to go "all-in" in that path :9


Considering the fact she was carrying Adam AND Kang's eggs in her at the same time, something tells me the numbers were getting a bit out of hand :P


Haha I would love to see Kang say something like that XD Thank you! I'm planning to include another funny -yet obvious- reaction from poor Bukka in the next page :P