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Colors next! Bukka has mixed feelings about her sudden "upgrades", but that's nothing in comparison with the next -final- challenge that awaits her... and I don't mean that immense batch of eggs in front of her :O



BossMajor 345

Lol, seeing the wiki page pulled up just made me chuckle in the sketch post and has had me thinking of a personal headcanon for it. The Breeder from chapter one who's loyal to Bukka (Best boi who seriously needs a name still) is actually smarter than we all realize and managed to make the wiki page and moderates it and nobody has any idea or questions it, they just know it's the most reliable source on breeder data.


She's got a hefty set of taps. Also tons of eggs.


Big badonkers, love it :P And huge eggs to be proud of !

Julian Hartmann

Kang reading up on if his species is supposed to 'cause something like that with females?


Why exactly is kang sitting on bukkas clutch?


I will get to work as soon as they allow me in ! :P