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Inks and colors next! I haven't drawn a pinup of Lady Xpray in a long time, so it's time to bring her back! She's waiting for certain someone to give her all the love she needs... and something more.

What version do you prefer? The one with fully-exposed fun bits, or the one that leaves more to the imagination? :P




Partly exposed for me. Pitching a tent fully covered alt would be wonderful.

Fleur Dryke

gorgeous and classy as shit.

Fen Longpaw

Always lovely. Personally, I prefer the exposed version, letting no one forget she's packing similarly to myself. X3 representation feels good


Both are great, but leaving more the imagination feels classier!


Exposed version for me, show that endowment off real nicely. Would happily join her for quite the long night of fun ❤️🤍

BossMajor 345

Always lovely to see Lady Xpray


For a second I mistook the tail for her dick, cause I was about to ask when she suddenly outgrew the legendary broodlord Quotefox lol


Oooh very pretty~


More Xbabes please <3


I just love that hair. Have you considered a page full of frames of xpray or any other hair headed character in different hairstyles(pigtails, ponytail, Mohawk, bobcat, hairbun, etc)


Lovely to see her again ^^ I think I prefer the exposed version. It's still covered up enough to be teasing imo, but allows the viewer more of a peak at what to expect ^^


That'd be interesting, although I really like to come up with -random- hairstyles for those characters in new pictures and/or comics. This pinup is a good example of that.