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Colors next! It looks like Wennie's got her eyes on you while she was dancing. Perhaps she has something special in mind for you, after her show? :O



Julian Hartmann

Obviously, Wennie is the right thing to spend money on. Not real estate or hedge fonds. About the fur strand things and drawing it more "elegent looking" from last time: I like it like this because she's a wild one. But maybe when they have a themed evening and her club or something and Wennie's cast as the "innocent/cute one" all fur braded and decorated with ribbons and such.... And her most outstanding feature gets a ribbon too, of course.

Fleur Dryke

This is one of the best equines in the furry fandom, by far. And just seeing art of her, even as it's being worked on, probably has the most positive feel to it.


Yeah, that sounds like a good idea for something like a "Glamour Night" event or something like that! She's going to need plenty of ribbon down there, though :P


Thank you so much, Fleur! That truly means a lot to me <3