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Poll results! Looks like LS: Final Episode is the winner!

But once again, there's no winner or loser! The results of this poll determines what cover will be drawn first.  Obviously, both projects need a cover!

I'll be working on the cover designs as soon as the new month (and 2017) hits the calendar. Also, I'm planning to upload some content tomorrow, including the third page of Final Episode's comic format and other things!




So awesome, can't wait! :D

Sebastian delaBarra

Xpray for World prez. He make sure in the end everyone wins!


I agree with Seba. Xpray Bestpray for World President!


damn Bukka and the goat look great.I love poses were there boobs are so big you can see them poking out from behind and cant wait for Bukka to get even bigger becoming queen :D