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Inks and colors next! My female Werewolf is back for Halloween, jumping from roof to roof all wild, powerful and free... at least until the full moon night is over :D



BossMajor 345

"Busty werewolves in your area, looking for a good time! CLICK THE LINK TO FUCK NOW!" ->[Enter "totally not a virus" Link here!]<-

BossMajor 345

But fantastic work as always Xprey, werewolf girl is always fantastic to see around this time of year

Julian Hartmann

Roof hooping, eh? That's a pretty Asian thing, how big are the chances she offers "compensation" for cultural apropiation? (ツ)


Nice to see the young werewolf again. I wonder who's her next prey/mate going to be this year?


Indeed. Although I missed the older werewolf, the younger one has her charms too.


Now THAT'S something worth pairing up and animated (2d or 3d, were gonna see BIG bump in the night from them.)

Michael S Marks

Nothing like the yearly Halloween tradition of costumes, candy, frights, and massive werewolf titties bouncing in my face. She looks amazing.


Werewolf is what we get on a full moon. But does anyone wonder what’s she’s like in the day. A transformation sequence from the plain and average girl to the hot and naughty creature of the night would be fun


This is going to be a fun night ^^. She looks magnificent <3


I should take note of that idea and include it in a comic, an animation or something like that someday :P


And thank you! It's always a pleasure to draw her again <3