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Second and last comic page of this month. It'll be sent out next week with the rest of October's rewards and all the other comic pages (via private message) to $5, $10, $15 and $20 patrons, after your pledge gets processed! It will include the high-res or resized version of this page depending of your pledge level.

Final page! But this is far from over since I'll begin the Final Episode and the next comic (Breeding Pact) in 2 weeks! Also, I'll be working on the credits page next week.




*Excited noises!*


i hope they will be allrigth at the end :O

John Messum

so... how do $5 teir patron get access to this?


Atm it's included in the art pack I send at the beginning of every month, after pledges have been processed. You'll find the link to said art pack in your patreon messages tomorrow or on Saturday.


I just patroned :)