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Colors! With this, Path A1(1) -also known as "Regicide" Path- arrives to its conclusion! However, Last Survivor: Final Episode is far from over since the other paths haven't concluded yet.

This path has a very open ending that leaves room for possible new projects in the future (like "Utopia Project") or side-projects featuring any of the three factions involved in this story: The Resistance, Utopia and The Breeders.

The rest of the paths will be much shorter and will have a more conclusive ending, giving place to completely different situations, new characters and pairings we'd have never expected in this path, besides being less lore-heavy and more focused on the fun stuff.

I'm going to post different sets of sketches featuring future scenes from the rest of the paths and then, we'll choose what path to follow (via poll) next week. Don't forget to check the Interactive Adventure (HERE) to see what every path is about, although I'm also planning to include some kind of diagram in next week's poll :)




Its amazing just how big this has grown since you first started it. I can't wait to see where the other paths lead. :)


Outstanding work, Xpray <3

Julian Hartmann

Ah, closed circle with that ending naration, nice on Xpray. So it finally not-quite-concludes.... I'll stay curious in what medium this one will continue. One thing that wories me though.... Resistance faction, Utopia faction and Breeder faction but.... No Adam faction? (._. )


Yo that last line. I love it when title drops hit in a series.

Shrapnull (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 16:53:51 And off they depart, to an uncertain future o7 Congratulations on completing the path! Thank you for your hard work on it, it's been a very long road, especially these last few years. It's been a pleasure to read <3 If you don't mind I've got one last minute nitpick, the final sentence reads a bit awkwardly imo, I think "...There will be only one last survivor." is more grammatically correct. Everything else reads great ^^
2022-08-05 00:35:50 And off they depart, to an uncertain future o7 Congratulations on completing the path! Thank you for your hard work on it, it's been a very long road, especially these last few years. It's been a pleasure to read <3 If you don't mind I've got one last minute nitpick, the final sentence reads a bit awkwardly imo, I think "...There will be only one last survivor." is more grammatically correct. Everything else reads great ^^

And off they depart, to an uncertain future o7 Congratulations on completing the path! Thank you for your hard work on it, it's been a very long road, especially these last few years. It's been a pleasure to read <3 If you don't mind I've got one last minute nitpick, the final sentence reads a bit awkwardly imo, I think "...There will be only one last survivor." is more grammatically correct. Everything else reads great ^^

Wind Might

Green bird guy's son I guess


Thank you so much, Shrapnull! It's been a huge pleasure to work on every page of this path and I hope you enjoy the paths coming next! There are plenty of surprises left in store :D Also thank you for the heads up about the grammar tip, I'm fixing it right now :3


Well, Adam is part of the Breeders and Utopia's faction at the same time :P


Thanks! It'll be a pleasure to share the ideas and situations I have in mind for the rest of the paths, which will feel like a new story :)