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Check your inbox! May's rewards have been sent to all patrons whose pledge went through. Please remember to grab your rewards before the end of the month! If your pledge went through and you haven't received your pack yet, if you have questions or if you're having any kind of issue with the links/files, please let me know and I'll be more than glad to help you!

All those patrons with their pledge still in "pending" state, do NOT worry: you will receive the rewards as soon as it gets processed. Remember, pledges that have been declined for multiple months in a row without any kind of communication/notification will be removed. I hope you enjoy the rewards. Thank you so much for your kind, always generous support; It really means so much to me and I appreciate it a lot!


What to expect this month?

-Last Survivor - Final Episode: Path A1(1) is almost complete! Final pages showing the outcome of the events that took place in this path, from the Breeder Queen/Empress' perspective. It's time to see what she can do in her new form...

I'm also working on a new teaser for the other paths. The poll to vote the next path you'd like to see completed will be posted here soon!

-Pictures: Two new pinups! The first one is a PoV picture featuring an argonian lady (the most voted option in my previous poll). I still haven't decided the theme for the second picture, but I'm tempted to draw something related to summer, beach time or something like that :D

-New Series - Workout Partners: Page 4 of this new series, where we'll finally see the first -actual- encounter between Antilla and Makoto. An encounter that'll change their lives forever!

-3D Art: New animation featuring Adriana and her husband! In addition to that, I'll also include a teaser of my next model (a pretty well known character).

-Side Sketches, Animations, etc: Fun sketch about the "Final days of spring" and maybe some other random sketches, if time allows!

-Polls and other content: As always, polls to decide new pictures, ideas, animations or projects that are coming soon, besides what characters will appear in them.


Thank you so much again for another month full of content! As always, I'll keep you updated with possible new ideas for projects, WIPs, surprises and other things <3

New art coming tomorrow!



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