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Inks and colors next! The Breeder Queen is still alive and beyond healthy... but not as a the Breeder Queen anymore.

She has adapted her mind and body to the current circumstances, evolving and transcending her whole being into a superior entity designed to surpass its previous limits for the sake of her species. The first Breeder Empress to exist... with a Breeder Queen (Eva) as her loyal subordinate.

On a side note, new page of "Workout Partners" and new 3D art (featuring a new model) coming this weekend and on Monday/Tuesday! 

Also (in case you don't enjoy pregnancy) we're getting back to less crazy excessive proportions in June, since Mayternity will be over :P




A Breeder Empress, I like this a lot.


Now that is my kind of belly~


If she and Adam ever reconcile...

Julian Hartmann

Ah yeah! Bigger horns! Added tentacles! Moar spikes! Go in there and hump those feet, boy! PS.: Did my previous comment influence her tongue in this pic are were you already planing on drawing it like that before?

Sebastian delaBarra

OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS SHE'S GIGANTIC!! I wasn't aware that the Queen could also change herself and what a huge change!


what will that mean for the bird,will be the emperor


And here I thought Breeder Volka had the biggest belly we’ve ever seen in this comic…until the Queen shows up years later to say otherwise. O/////O

Shrapnull (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 17:42:40 Good lord she's majestic O///O! Truly the Queen of queens! That bird boy is gonna have his work cut out for him ^w^ She looks amazing so far. I'm really excited to see how she'll look fully rendered, I'm sure you'll do her justice <3
2022-05-30 00:24:23 Good lord she's majestic O///O! Truly the Queen of queens! That bird boy is gonna have his work cut out for him ^w^ She looks amazing so far. I'm really excited to see how she'll look fully rendered, I'm sure you'll do her justice <3

Good lord she's majestic O///O! Truly the Queen of queens! That bird boy is gonna have his work cut out for him ^w^ She looks amazing so far. I'm really excited to see how she'll look fully rendered, I'm sure you'll do her justice <3


How many consorts has the Breeder Empress gone through since she started her plan? Also does she go through them one at a time or does she mate with them at the same time? And finally does she get rid of the previous consort before getting a new one or does she keep them all?


Oh! I doodled this page a few days before you posted that comment x3 Also, horn fetish time?


She evolves only when her species' future depends of it! However, this might not be her final form yet :P


Thank you! Coloring and rendering characters with such oversized and round shapes -for a change of pace- feels pretty exotic, so I'm enjoying this fun challenge greatly :3

Julian Hartmann

Well, seriously, is there any part of the breeder queen's body that isn't desirable?