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REMINDER: December's Rewards will be delivered this week on January 8th (Saturday). Don't forget to check your private messages!

Wennie gets back to the pole on New Year as she has been doing for the last 17 years. She's still flexible like the first day, and above all... very passionate about her job :3

Sorry for the delay! I'm focusing on finishing December's rewards, but the fact I have been feeling a bit sick this week (I have to blame a crazy potent air freshener for that) is making me work a bit slower than usual. Anyways, I think I'll be able to deliver December's rewards in time tomorrow :>




No year complete without seeing her~ also 17 years <3 quite a run

Fleur Dryke

Always nice to see our favorite herm zebra.


What a view ! <3


17 years; that's incredible! The years have certainly been kind to her ^^, she's looking beautiful as ever. Is that a new sketching style you're using? The lines look a bit thinner than your previous sketches.

Julian Hartmann

The further you extend this tradition, the further I extend too. Wonder if she ever accidentily member slapped a customer....? I mean, they'd probably be delighted but...


Yeeeeeeeeeeez <3


Aw yeah Best Girl is back I wonder if she ages in real time. Just wondering if/when she'll become a MILF.


Yeah! Wennie means a lot to me specially for that reason <3


Thanks, Fleur! It's always a pleasure to draw her again :)


Thank you, Shrapnull! I drew Wennie for the first time during 2005's New Year festivities and it has been a lovely tradition since then. I have been trying to draw her slightly more mature-looking lately, but anyways time is treating her pretty well :3 Oh! It's the same sketching style, the only difference is that I lowered the "Opacity" and "Fill" values of the lineart layer in Photoshop to make the sketch look softer. And thanks for the good wishes! I'm still coughing a bit and my throat feels a bit ticklish, but I'm feeling much better now after moving the air freshener away from my work area :D


She's good at making everything extend ;P And yeah, she definitely did. Always by accident, of course... in exception of that one time someone literally asked for it...


She does! Time is treating her very nicely so far, though :3


Ah I see, thank you! I'm glad you're feeling better ^^. I think I've got to go archive diving ha ha