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Colors! Utopia's society has evolved a lot after so many years, to the point Breeders are now an important part of it. However, these are genetically modified -super intelligent- Breeders created specifically for battle and special operations. 

They lack the "risky" features that make a Breeder dangerous, making them fun lovers... besides many other things.

On a side note, there's a HUGE surprise coming this week!



Fleur Dryke

okay, the result is much cuter than I thought it was. Suppose this is a better end than I had given thought to.


Is Lilith the name of Adam's daughter?


Ohh I like surprises! Also how 'Sterile' are we talking about?


Level 2 citizens eh ? :P I do use that term in my own lore as well so it was pretty ironic to me :D Loving this page though, amazing couple there ! <3


Holy crap. The colors and shading look amazing!


Well...that explains alot. Love the cumflation, though I expected it to be bigger than that. At least the Gazelle is enjoying the relationship with the said breeder.


I do actually really like where the story is going but is it going to end at 100 chapters or are you going to keep going

Julian Hartmann

A redhead named Lina.... Wonder if you grew up on Slayers. This was cute and wholesome but I really hope we check in on Adam on the next page.

Wind Might

''Sterile'' WTF


Cute X3

Sierra Teylaas

Awww, how do I get my own breeder boyfriend? :)


What a gentlemen! Their kiss on the last panel is super sweet <3, I do hope he returns safely. Small typo; on the 3rd panel it should be "immediately". Everything else looks good ^^, and yay for surprises :D


If Adam likes sex so much why didn't he join the adult industry and become a porn star?


The scientists are making sure this special kind of genetically modified Breeders (created for just one purpose we'll see after this page) are sterile to avoid explosive overpopulation. Utopia's government wants it that way so they can keep their numbers as low and manageable as they want.


We're in the final pages for this path. If it doesn't reach page 100 it'll be very close to that.


I'm so glad you like it! I really enjoyed drawing that part, although it was a bit challenging to draw a Breeder kissing another character like that XD Thank you so much for the heads up about the typo, I'm going to fix that right now :3


Very cute couple qwq Would love to see more of them together in the future!