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Colors! It almost looks like that antelope girl is used to this kind of encounters with Breeders... or perhaps that's not a regular Breeder. 

Wait, what did he just say? D:




What the hell does this mean now,they can talk now fully as in the non-breeded can now understand them!


Breeder BF? owO


This Breeder was probably born from a female who had DNA treatment resulting in a smarter breed.

Klesk Vadrigaar

Question is, will she end up regretting this?

Fleur Dryke

Hot take, they've taken over


Or maybe they like some role play 😈


Dayum that's hot ! :P


I have a suggestion: if we won’t get to see what happens to the queen vodka bukka the resistance and all the other main cast can you create post story panels of each character and organization. Like just one panel showing their final physical status and a dialogue explaining who how where and why they ended up like that?

Evelia Zara

Easily one of my favorite pages so far <3

Julian Hartmann

A non-royal breeders first word to a non-corrupted person and it's really the most fitting one one could've hoped for. I guess the species is now an rentable commodity in Utopia.


Damn the Breeders are evolving. :) Are they able reproduce? So many questions. :)

samfish90212 .

I think he said “fuck” but idk kinda hard to hear through my phone.


Awesome page! Now you can talk with your Breeder BF :) I'm definately interested to see exactly what's going on here ^^


It would be frightening to see breeders with a high degree of intelligence, making them more dangerous to deal with if an infestation/outbreak. Two guesses, either breeder's have managed to form their own intelligence without hive mind connection, making them independent and sapient. Or as someone previously stated its a porn studio and that is someone cosplaying a breeder Or managed to become a pure form breeder, yet still has their mind intact? the thought alone is fascinating.


As I already said, the part where we get to see what happened to the protagonists in this new era comes after this Utopia part, which is necessary because it leads to the introduction of someone extremely important, besides other details I can't share because they'd be huge spoilers.


wait is she going to be one of them 😖🙏🏻


Thank you, Eve! I'm having lots of fun working on these new pages and the concept being shown there <3


I wonder if he can tell good jokes :P Thank you, Shrapnull!


It'll be explained in the next 2 pages! There's something (or someone) big behind these Breeders, which will lead to the introduction of an important character before closing this part about Utopia :)


the cure isn’t going cure them completely it’s going to cause something bad to them you may never know.