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Colors next! Now that everyone has left the college classroom (in exception of you and the new teacher, Wennie), the zebra approaches you to have a few inspiring words and discuss about your... performance in class :O




“Is there something distracting you?”

Kalani Bluesturm

Why do i have a feeling i will end up in the infirmary

Julian Hartmann

Sometimes I wish she was a grade school teacher, not a collage prof. Then we could see a POV from below.


That's a great angle~

Fen Longpaw

Just a heads up, it looks like you only attached a full res of one version, but not the other included in the post

Fleur Dryke

oh my, most excellent.

James Reese

Heh 😏 oh my I hope I don’t get an after school make up class hehe. I like how the clothes really look real :) got to share on how you draw them soo well ^^ also love the new angle and point of view very different for the normal she really stands out ^~^


Oh my. I think I would be as nervous about any... private meeting...with a teacher over this...but I think I'd probably like the ending a lot more. XD


I know what class she teaches ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■ ( ͡⌐■ ͜ʖ ͡-■) *BOOM* Molecular Biology, and for a reliable source I give you Miss Wennie in "Hunting Day."


@Chalupa27 Her teaching involves some Biology-related subjects, for sure~ :P


@Matthiasomega It's one of the next big projects (full-sized comics) I'll be working on when "Last Survivor: Final Episode" ends. However, it won't feature the same characters from the first comic: the main protagonists will be dinosaurs.