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Colors! Adam's reign finally ends here (at least in this path). However, for some reason the Supreme Leader needs him alive for her "Utopia Project"...

On a side note, new pinup picture coming this Tuesday!



Klesk Vadrigaar

I know the Supreme Leader isn't someone we're supposed to root for, but forcing Adam to actually have to face the consequences of what he's done, yeah, I give her a thumbs up for that!


Would have been funny if a dart had hit his balls ;')

BossMajor 345

Night night *bonk!* no horny for the king


The gun scope is not straight

Julian Hartmann

A great hero fell today. ( ; ~ ; ) At least we went out at his sexiest. Can you really say his reign ends here when he sadly has no one to reign over no thanks to his queen's treachery? BTW, love how she operates her rifle with only one hand. No one in real life would do that but in fiction it raises her coolness points, I guess.


Hopefully he didn't bite his tongue while falling :P


given that she has a bipod and that tranquilizer guns have a much lower recoil its quite belivable.

Wilson Bennett

thou Mis-shapen Dick. A well Deserved end


See that's what happens when you think with your head and not with your brain uwu


Im goin to take an educated guess. Him making non stop queens is resulting him into becoming a Pure form breeder, tryin to understand if its normal for them to be extremely aggressive and savage.

Sebastian delaBarra

Never would I see a man dig himself into a deep hole with his own cock til now. Have fun being a battery you dang horny mutant horse!


They are about to give him a "shocking" early Christmas present. Also her assistant is about to bonk him so hard that it's going to be heard in all three tenses (past, present, and future) and quite possibly break the 4th wall.


There goes the last of hair, and with it the last of his intellegence. Damn that is one hell of a fall from grace, from King to a feral and horny battery. I almost feel bad for him.


Besides becoming a pure form Breeder, Adam has been so terribly pent up for years (and still obsessed with his harem project) his primal breeding instincts are starting to take over, which is making him go "Berserk" mode. Basically, he's fully embracing his "Breeder side" now.


Hopefully he'll get a redemption arc in one of the next paths! But yeah, he's sure paying the consequences of his actions in this one. The Supreme Leader is merciless :x


Indeed! He definitely got one of the worst outcomes possible for him (in this path), although his own actions brought him there :O


Yeah, I agree! It's hard to imagine who would end up being more dangerous to that planet's population, but it was about time someone stopped Adam after all he has done.