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Colors next! Strong wolfess girl sunbathing and... asking the viewer to put some sun lotion on her back? Perhaps a massage on her paws? It's up to you!

Also, sorry for the slight delay, I suffered a slight heat stroke yesterday (nothing serious) and I wasn't feeling exactly great :x




Be careful bro, the heat waves are nasty this year.

Michael S Marks

Be safe out there. It's going to be a hot summer for sure. Not just because of your art either. Stay hydrated, stay cool, and keep making kick ass art.

Fleur Dryke

Indeed, stay safe this summer, Xpray. Lovely work on this lovely wolf, and I rather adore her paws.

James Reese

Keep cool and hydrated and overall stay safe. ^~^ Great work I lover her toe beans hehe


Your health and wellbeing comes first, art can wait. Besides, can't art when dead, so make sure you keep yourself going

Emmet Edwards

Get well soon Xpray. I wish you a speedy recovery


Please don't worry about it; your wellbeing is the most important thing here so take all the time you need to recover <3

Sebastian delaBarra

Stay wet frendo I don't want my fav artist drying like a rasin! And about teh arts iz gud. Honestly paw pads are a favorite thing about anthro anatomy (not just kink wise surprisingly) and ya draw them looking pretty soft looking! Also... does a wolf covered in fur even get sun burn?

Julian Hartmann

Uh, massaging dem paws is a great idea.... Hey, you know the song "Sunshine the Werewolf"? Because it really.... Doesn't relate to this at all.... But the image kinda made me think of it.... And... Uh.... I kinda forgot where I was going with this....


Oooooh yeah!!!! Rub some suntan lotion on and boop* the snoot with a little sunscreen. Hope you're doing a little better today Xpray (つ・▽・)つ.


Be careful! Booping the snoot will make her sneeze like crazy :P Thank you, Chalupa! I'm feeling much better now (੭╹▿╹)੭


Hah! It'd be interesting to see some kind of Sun-based Werewolf, besides the classic ones who transform at full moon. And I agree, those paws need a good massage. They have to support a lot of weight~


Thank you so much, Sebastian! Also, glad you like the paw pads :P. I'm not a big fan of foot fetish, but drawing soft looking -yet powerful- paws pads is surprisingly fun! And yes, wolves (and dogs) can get sunburnt too. It's not too common, but it can happen D:


Thank you, Shrapnull! I'm feeling much better now <3


Thank you! I'm being extra wary now. This summer is being merciless, weather-wise.


Will do, James! And thanks, it was really fun to draw them :D


Thanks! This summer can't go by fast enough... but at least it's inspiring me to draw fun beach scenes :)