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Colors! Nova's Supreme Leader -who rarely shows up in public- has finally appeared... and she must have a really big reason to do so. However, Adam looks a bit "too happy" -yet nervous- to see her again after so many years.

It seems that they had some kind of bond or agreement that has proven to be quite productive for both of them, specially for the Supreme Leader and her shady purposes, which will be revealed after this page...

On a side note, new picture coming on Monday! It's time to draw a strong wolfess :)



Thorny One

What a wild Twists! Getting extra juicy


Hey do you think there a human be transformed back into a human but still have Some breeder DNA inside of them.

BossMajor 345

What does she mean by THEIR KIDS!!!!!?


I hope someone makes a solid rp/hangout discord server for this series.

Klesk Vadrigaar

Well this is unexpected. Wonder how this will play out.


Twisted. Wonder if this would backfire on her in the other paths?


Well that came out of left field OWO , and how is she not corrupted?!?... Well "Physically" corrupted.

Fleur Dryke

two decades is something worth paying attention to. This means they were intimate before the whole Breeder event happened.


How old is Adam? I thought he was younger than Bukka, but this implies that he is way older than her. Plus, why does everyone want to have kids with this guy?


Personality wise, I agree. But if all you're looking for is a physically well built specimen, well, Adam does have a lot going for him in that department. The fact that he's a "love 'em and leave them" type may have been an advantage for her, since if she's intending to create an heir that she needs to be ruthless and, well, as near soulless as she seems to be from what we've seen, since it would mean a minimal chance of the father trying to impress pesky things like morals, ethics, and general decency into the kids.


But in the wiki it says that Bukka is 31 and she was Adam's mentor. He should be around twenty-seven or something. Yet, the Supreme leader states that his and her kids are almost or exactly twenty years old. The math doesn't add up unless, surprisingly, he is a secret agent posing as someone younger than he is. It's almost like 21 Jump Street type of undercover. Also the Supreme leader reminds me of Integra Hellsing but evil.

Julian Hartmann

Whew! What a twist! I feel like the path just got a whole lot longer again with how this'll go. Anyway, I'm glad to see Adam is as competent as a loving father as he is in all matters. BTW: Slight grammar flub in the third panel: "Work" is a word that is not preceded by an article in this context so the "an" should go.

Wilson Bennett

This raises a lot of questions and I'm getting some serious Robocop feelings from this, with the person in power being in control the whole time and still winning in the end. Makes me wonder how the other endings will go.


Now that is a revelation! I certainly didn't see that coming. Hmm so it sounds like Adam has been directly in on the plan from the start, which included his transformation and rise to power. Before that the Supreme Leader also used him to sire some heirs to groom for the Utopia project. The question is; is he needed anymore? I'm very excited to see where this goes ^^ I've got to say as well the canine bodyguard looks badass! I can definately see the Walter influence there :)

Sebastian delaBarra

Ah the mutant horse was a sussy traitor all along. Perhaps this is why so eager to fuck the Queen back in EP 2. I'm most curious about these kids they're talking about.


Looks like she kept Adam very busy, before the Last Survivor incident :O


That will probably happen at least in one of the other paths :)


Keep in mind that's the character's age in Last Survivor: Episode 1! About 10 years have passed between the events that took place in the ship and this page, so Adam is around 40 now. I think I'm going to update the wiki and put "Current Age" instead of just "Age" to prevent confusion :3


Oh, not much longer! If Adam doesn't choose the correct words, his presence in this path might vanish sooner than expected :x Thank you for the heads up, Julian! I'm going to fix that :D


Exactly! Adam has proved to be VERY useful to fulfill every one of the Supreme Leader's plans, which will be explained with more details in the next page. And glad you like her! Walter from Hellsing and King from KoF were important influences when I created the Supreme Leader's loyal servant :)


Mmhm! The Breeder Queen was Adam's main objective and reward at the same time. He was following orders all along, which was easy for him given the nature of said orders. We'll see a sneak peek of their son and daughter soon.


We'll get a lot of answers in the next page! The other paths will have drastically different endings, so the Supreme Leader's plans will fail at least in one of them.


We'll learn more about the Supreme Leader's plans in the next page, as long as Adam doesn't do anything crazy :)

Sebastian delaBarra

Ah so he really is a DILP ... Dad I Like to Punch. Lol am sorry but Adam just ended up a character I love to hate.


Haha that's totally understandable! I wanted to have two different kinds of villains in this series: one who can be likeable (or someone the reader can even feel empathy for) like the Breeder Queen, and then a hateful villain, like Adam. That's the purpose I designed him for :3