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REMINDER: June's Rewards will be delivered on Thursday, July 8th. Don't forget to check your private messages!

Colors! Poor Nirvana should stop being so stubborn and take a good rest... She can barely work while carrying all those eggs!

2-3 pages left before this series ends. I have plenty of new ideas in mind, so I'll share them all with you soon! After that, I'll create a new poll to decide the next series together :D




Awww, poor girl

Kalani Bluesturm

She is just as gorgeous even with the upgrade to cobra mom, still needs some warm snuggles


Nirvana you beautiful snek. Keep up the great work. :D

Julian Hartmann

Ah, don't worry, Nirvana, I'm sure Mrs. Laura will take good care of Max while you're at home.

Michael S Marks

Got to love the effort, but know when to take a break.


You certainly can't fault her work ethic ^^, hopefully Madame Laura will be understanding. Looking great and thanks for the heads up on the remaining pages! Btw silly question but does Max have any particular dance genres he likes to play?


Lucky girl <3


She's a very understanding boss! Also, Nirvana is a very important member of her family now :3 Max likes to play a bit of everything, specially House, Future Bass and Electronic Dance!


Hey wonder if her shirt’s gonna rip off