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Inks and colors next! After years under her monther's protection, one of Vodka's daughters has decided to take a step forwards in life and follow her Breeder instincts, triggered by someone else's call...

On a side note, Mayternity special picture coming soon! :D




Is she kissing her mother goodbye?

BossMajor 345

Please don't tell me it's Adam. Don't listen to the traitors call! They are lies! I love her design and you are filling my mind with curious thoughts Xpray, what are you planning? >.>


Aww so wholesome.


Well, it is got to be him since his ass got booted out by the false queens. She could be hearing her grandma, the former queen or the people at Nova have developed a device that emits a fake signal that acts as mating call to lure, study and kill queens? I thought the emo daughter would the one to stir up the pot for supremacy of the hive but it looks like Xpray is gonna bad Queen of Hearts route in the hive's future: Off with their heads or dicks!


Damn, i wanted to see the Vodka's daughters have sex with the male bunnies at least once!


Can't be. His antennas were broken when we last saw him. I don't see him being able to contact the hive method. I'd say it's her grandmother, the main Queen.

Julian Hartmann

Oh boy, wonder who's call it'll be considering we had two named male characters so far...?


Hopefully she’s sensing/hearing her grandmother in distress and going to her aid.


Both intact antennae were for some kind of obedience chip couple with gps tracking if you will but he broke them because Adam did not wanr the queen couldnt to know where he was and compel him to not defy her in anyway.


Dablitt I came here for the Hormny, and now I've caught the feels


Does anyone ever wonder how tall do these Breeders ever get up to


Aww they grow up so quickly; she has definately inherited the former queens stature! The second and third panels are really sweet as well :3 Hopefully she isn't being too rash in her decision...


@BossMajor345 No, it's not Adam. However, we'll see him getting what he "deserves" soon :)


Yeah! It feels like yesterday when the eggs hatched ;-;


Indeed, she inherited her grandma's stature :3. And I'm so glad you like them! We'll see more about her decision really soon, although I can guarantee she'll be in good hands :)


Oops! No worries, we'll see happier scenes again soon :)