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Colors! These are the first consequences of Adam's actions... and it's just the beginning. At this point, it won't take long until every corner of planet Nova is populated by Breeders.

The Resistance isn't even strong enough to face this threat, but what about Nova's leaders?

On a side note, new colored illustration coming this week!




Idk why the squirrel is complaining, she got a bunny king which means they'll be multiplying like rabbits X3


Like the big breeder chestnut mare ;-3. She drives a hard bargain, heh heh.


That fool Adam has done it now. Hopely Bukka can set it straight. Also nice to see the different the Queens.

Xaziana Tenebris

Sooo, kinda just throwing out an idea here, but... how about when this path is complete, we get a picture of ALL the breeder queens that made an appearance posing together or sexing each other? And in their pregnant forms too? Just an idea, I understand if it's too daunting a task


Somehow i get the feeling that These breeder Queens Lack in the Long Term Planning Department

Fen Longpaw

I love this idea as well, but also agree that this kind of "character chart" would also be a fair amount of work

Fen Longpaw

Also, again, yay more 'phant!

Fleur Dryke

Lack of Nova Leadership? I sense a betrayal in our fair planet's former governer.


Who else would love to swooped up by a Breeder Queen?

Julian Hartmann

No matter who's more powerful or has the larger hive, I think lower right panel will remain the sassiest queen...

Klesk Vadrigaar

Darwin would have a field day using this premise as a case study.


If that big fight happens, you going to call it the Brood war? or Breeder war?

Wilson Bennett

I hope Bukka and Vokda and their newborn queens come out on top, or at least alive. I know I say this a lot but I really hope their love changes things for the better,. On a different topic this whole situation feels odd to me since I'm playing XCOM 2 right now. Of course the Breeders don't have easily reverse engineered technology but I can't help but wonder how things would play out if an XCOM organization existed during any sort of alien invasion. But there I go again on weird tangents. Can't wait for more, XPray.


Tactically speaking the other Queens are heavily outmatched. Bukka is part of an Elite sniper team, Military trained, and a critical thinker. Vodka grew up in the Hard Knocks Life able to come up with plans at a moments notice and strategize back-ups just in case one plan goes up in smoke. Can turn anything into a weapon including her body and is cunning against her enemy. LONG LIVE THE QUEENS!!! ^D^


I'm getting a major KING vibe off the squirrel, the bunny lad better watch his neck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYzTq7YEPBI Also it looks like two familiar faces have come out of hiding :)


"Breeder War" or "Hives War", definitely. They sound catchy :P


That's a very good point! I can't say much because spoilers, but this path's ending might make some people think of XCOM in some way or another, or at least a few details of it.


I agree! Looks like she's such a demanding queen though D:

Wilson Bennett

Personally I prefer "Hive Wars", it sounds catchier to me and again, put some distance between this and any intellectual property that currently exists. Remember when Candy Crush's owners sued a dev over the use of the word "Saga" in their title? Also "Breeder War" sounds more like the war against the breeders from the rest of this colony.

Wilson Bennett

I'm still playing and now you've got me curious. I shall wait patiently to see what happens. Is it odd that I keep bringing up Bukka and Vodka's relationship? Why am I so fixated on that?


These false Queens are super focused on making their numbers grow more and more as they prepare themselves for that "Big fight", but they're missing a few -very important- details as we'll see in the next pages :o


We'll learn more about them next month! Massive revelations incoming :)


Surprisingly -or not- Squirrel queen is probably the scariest and most dangerous of all these false Queens we have seen so far :x


Bukka would be a much better ruler than any of those Queens, for sure!


Definitely! Those false Queens should be no match for them, as long as they act quick! Also, don't forget Bukka and Vodka have the Breeder Queen's loyal sons on their side, too :D


Nice song! :P Bunny guy should make sure to fulfill the Squirrel queen's wishes... She's -without doubts- the most overambitious of all those false queens, which makes her specially dangerous.


Their relationship is an important part of the story! Like some kind of goal / reward /support for both characters, which at the same time makes them stronger... specially now that they're about to begin a completely new and unknown life away from civilization. All they have is each other. These are some of the reasons why I want to explore completely different situations and outcomes for them in the next paths.

Wilson Bennett

Xpray, you are one of the only people I've met who is able to bring deep world-building questions into something that just looks like porn to the casual observer. Please, keep doing this.


That'd be an interesting read! And quite a long one too, haha.

Fen Longpaw

Not to delve into the weeds too much, but they did lose that suit. Though their goal, counter to the courts in this case, was likely exactly the chilling effect you're experiencing. They have no legal case to hold up such a generic copyright, but they litigated it for the express purpose of the PR, not the direct pay out.

Fen Longpaw

Devil's advocate: do we know the exact backstory of all Adam's false queens though? We have a compelling case for our protagonists because of perspective, but in another space story (admittedly parody of exactly that) the protagonists have virtually no contribution to the winning of the war in Starship Troupers. :3


@Fen Longpaw We don't know much about those false queens yet since they're just random characters (in exception of a few cameos), although -unlike Bukka or Vodka- any of them had combat training or anything like that before :O