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Colors! Everything has been good for Adam... while it lasted. This is what he gets for playing with fire and it's just the beginning. Sadly, he won't be the only one paying for his actions.

Sorry for the slight delay, btw! Sooo many characters... my poor hand ;.;

On a side note, new colored page of "Our Big Day" coming next!




i’m in love with the squirrel breeder


Oh that's your big uddered cow on the bottom right of Adam! She looks good regardless of the fangs & such, lol. Also the two mares from that one pinup, athletic goat...damn, you put quite a few familiar faces in this piece, X!

Kalani Bluesturm

I think it is a satisfying end to Adam, he became the instrument of his own demise and ignore the OG queen's warning, tho these false queen look good in their own way, it does leave many things to wonder , like an all out civil war between the breeders, are there any other survivors left beside the resistance, what is the final fate of the real queen, what will vodka and bukka do now, so many questions

James Reese

Yay ! Miss Moo made it !! :3 she looks great as a breeder ^^ awesome detail and angles as well as the characters ^~^ great work friend. Do you use any measuring tools to help with the shapes and point of views ? Hope your hand gets better ^^

Xaziana Tenebris

Could I possibly get a date with that as yet unnamed cow breeder?


Welp...He had it coming.


I wonder if how breeder cum works is that when pumped into a female, sperm that enter the egg with begin the pregnancy, but the other sperm don't die, and instead wait for more eggs. As the female changes and becomes more of a breeder, more eggs come and interact. This could explain how 1 load from a king could result in whole hive

Klesk Vadrigaar

Good news: Adam's gettimg his comeuppance. Bad news: he's left an incredibly destructive legacy.


That looks very nice and the queens are very sexy too


Just a small correction; instead of plaything it should say playthings, as she's apparently speaking on behalf of all of them.


The cow and orca fake queens are from the pin ups or Xpray art.


There is a grammar error in the sentence by the squirrel breeder, she uses the singular and not plural which is the correct sentence to discuss the other breeders plans.


Please false queens, murder Adam now and wipe each other out in your civil wars.

Julian Hartmann

Gore upcoming in 3... 2... 1...

Sierra Teylaas

God damn, do I want that elephant breeder to crush my face with her belly:)


I’ll happily adopt the cow queen <3


Hmm 6 Easter eggs Brown horse teacher, beach orca, donkey countess, athetic gazelle, and milky cow?

Wilson Bennett

couldn't have happened to a nicer dick


For a second you had me thinking "Out of all the species that could overthrow Adam, it couldve been a shark, a Elephant, tiger, Lion, or a predatory creature........He lost to a squirrel.." Then i saw it was more than just her and so my mind immediately fixed itself of this hilarious glitch in its system

Michael S Marks

He got the Squirrel Girl treatment. Even the most powerful in the universe fall to the mighty Squirrel Girl, with an assist from her side kicks The Mighty Elephant, and Mega Tits the Cow. Couldn't have happened to a nicer fellow.


Hot damn that's the money shot right there :D Great work! I hope your hand is recovering You were right about the colours, I completely missed the orca in the sketch. So as far as I can see the Orca; Cow, the two Mares, Antelope, and Squirrel are cameos. The Elephant, Monkey(?) and Frog(?) are new


He lit his fuse and it burned like it was soaked in gasoline and now his plans have blown up and backfired On a side note I do love how cute the little Breeder Mouse looks snuggling with the Elephant


Some of those questions will be answered in the next pages! :)


Thank you so much, James! And no, I don't use measuring tools at all :3


Haha yeah! I had such a lot of fun drawing those cameos. I'd have included others like Wennie or Aurenn, but they already appeared in Episode II :D


No gore! I'll leave that to the reader's imagination :P


She's HUGE! Even bigger than the Breeder Queen herself :D


Horse neighbors (the two mares), beach orca, beach squirrel, athletic gazelle and milky cow!


That squirrel looks terribly aggressive though :P. Scary!


Thank you :D And yeah! All those characters you mentioned are cameos. The elephant, monkey, frog and cat (the one resting her head on the elephant's chest) are completely new.


Hah. Karma sometimes takes time, but it happens nonetheless. Not sorry to see him meet this fate, I must say. :)


is the one behind the elephant an insect?