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GREETINGs. It's me, the overdue update bot. I just got fired- my boss doesn't like this recurring joke, so you'll never here from me again. I'm expecting a severence check, union buster. [the remainder of this message has been sanitized.]

GREETINGs. It's me, Justyn. Sorry for the delay, I just spent the last two months firing a robot employee. No, it didn't need to take two months to fire them, especially since they never actually existed.

TLDR: Blender port 90% done, nothing preventing video completion. Meandered a bit of time, but working on another non-gaming (music related) video. Finishing it this month. Also changing my guitar setup from software to hardware.

The Blender port process is mostly fine, there's a handful of features we still have to get restructured for blender (like certain facial flexes and props) but there's really nothing holding me off from finishing my next video.

The delay isn't a result of setbacks or program swapping, it just comes down to me performing my work slower than I should. I wanted to work on something that wasn't a 'list' video or a 'sequel' video, and ended up driving in donuts until I settled. I ended up with a list of subjects ranging from artsy (eg. how lighting get used from a writing perspective) to shamelessly storytime (local georgian urban legends). They're still all, essentially, list videos- though ones that'd be fun to make either way. 

Anyways, I locked it down to a certain video- this one's been on my shelf a while and I didn't want to double dip into music-subject videos which is why it didn't come out following the concept albums one. It's still kinda listy but not as much as me listing examples of a thing, which I consider progress. Holding off on describing it here for now, but expect mention of my usual favorite bands. Not sure when it's out, it doesn't require heavy animation but it's not exactly something I can toss b-roll over and have out fast either. I don't expect it to reach beyond this month (September) but if it does i'll probably pause pledges since two months is my absolute maximum buffer for your wait time- and then re-enable after release. 

Tangentially related, i've switched from digital amps/pedals for my guitar to an actual hardware setup (thanks partially to my oldest brother lending me his fender amp)- so the FUNKe Study jingles will sound less muddy and more crispy going forward. I've spent some of this time between videos familiarizing myself with that, and pedal setups both for my own interest and also for the sake of production quality. 

Off subject of content i've also been going for daily runs more and 'renovating' my office space because my desk was physically falling apart and I needed to update the wall's paint. It hasn't influenced video stuff, but I figure you should understand how my time's been spent off the clock somewhat. 

Thanks for the time and your patronage, 

Justyn (with a Y)




You are too precious for this World. I personally pledge SPECIFICALLY so you can take your time worrying about Desk Setups or go on more walks or don't give us a video for 2 months just cus it's been 2 months. But you do you. yada yada. Excited for that Top 10 Weezer Band Members video.


i'm not sure if you're egging me with sarcasm but, my old desk was an actual 10 year old picnic table caving in towards the center because the supports broke, so it's less "worry about setup" and more "requiring a replacement" because I couldn't put my computer on it anymore without shattering it and everything on it


Bro just let us pay for the excitement of another video coming out. You do so much and give to us outside of videos, most creators don't(as far as I know). Cant wait for the top ten notes on the scale video!