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"ngh - fuck, with sunset shimmer? Really?" Sweetie belle couldn't tear her eyes away from the couple in her perhipheral vision. Now Sunset was crouched, looking up at him. Sweetie could see his fingers run through her hair, she saw her hands curl around his waistband, the fabric of his trunks slipping down, his... It just goes down, and down and down! God, he's huge, she can almost make out veins bulging - no, look away! "Damnit!"

Chest heaving, sweetie isn't quite able to quell the shaking of her hands as she grips the toy she brought. It feels different in her hands now, exciting in a way it hasn't been before, forbidden. The thought intensifies the sensation of internal pressure in her abdomen, the tingling in her thighs, the urge to curl up, write, spasm, touch herself.. the need to fuck.

This would work just fine. it had to. No-one was going to come in, she just needed to clear her head. Sure. Yeah. Then she'd be ok. Rarity didn't need to know anything about this. Just a few minutes...

Hey y'all! Here's another bit of the beach project I've been working on! There's more to come, of course! Some more setup and context, and a whole lot more stuff after! There's still a lot of rendering to do.  For now though, let's enjoy this little desparate, semi-private moment with sweetie belle! Check out the full animation in 1080p, and 4K!




Hell yeah!!!! This is amazing!!!!