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Well, the poll was pretty tied, so... I just did both :P I don't wanna set a dangerous precedent here, but I was kinda feeling these ones so I went for it! I love evehly's sombrashy work so I wanted to do something like that... it won't be the last time!

And look. It's been a while since I've done anything with AJ's applebucking abs and thighs. Who could resist.

You can find both of these in 1080p and 4K in the download archives! I've changed the links, but it should all work the same. Let me know if there are any issues



pomegranate horsie

First off, fluttershy and sombra. I really like the jiggle running up flutter’s thighs! The breasts are getting tossed around by the impact with appropriate enthusiasm as well. The one thing that stood out to me is that fluttershy’s face never really changes. I’m not sure if this was just rendered for a single loop and then repeated in post (in which case there’s not much you can add other than slight facial motions like tensing without it getting repetitive fast), but assuming the whole animation was rendered out then maybe adding a few different facial expressions would help break it up a bit. I’m thinking any combo/order of: pulling a bit of an o-shaped mouth and narrowing+rolling the eyes up just a little, moving the mouth closer to closed with a smile, closing the mouth entirely and lightly “swallowing” (just the head tilting motions), panting, lolling the head back/moaning, closing the eyes and shivering the whole body a little, etc. If it was only rendered for a single loop and looped in post to keep down render time, a neat trick I’ve seen used is to render one loop of the body with a mesh that has a compositing matte material (blender’s compositing makes it easy) over the bounding area for where the head moves during all of the different flourishes from the camera’s perspective, and then do the opposite for all of the head animations, and stitch it in post. For AJ, the jiggle was very well done. The only thing I would change is to not push the inward squish/deformation on the downstroke quite as much. It only shows up for a frame or two, but having the shadow appear in the divot makes it stand out, and it feels like the whole breast should be really squishing out instead of keeping the same basic shape around the outside and bottom of the breast to preserve the volume if it’s slamming down that hard. https://u.smutty.horse/mcglznrlgcy.jpeg


Ooh yeah I like that face journey, it feels like it would loop well! Might use something like it on a different animation... Both of these were rendered for just one loop and then extended out, render time was still very limited when I did these (I hadn't got e-cycles yet). I did consider some sort of comp solution when a few people complained about the lack of blinks, but I decided that the unwieldiness outweighed the benefit. Now, with a much faster renderer, I would just render a longer loop. God, that screen right breast on AJ. It gave me so much trouble and I still didn't properly fix it in the end. The way the light catches it makes the slightest error really obvious.