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I've been working on BOE since 2011.  That's 9 years on the same project and while it's been fun, and I still care about it, Enthusiasm is a limited resource on any project, and sadly, I've hit the burn out wall on BOE. It is because of this burn out that I've been struggling to maintain upload speed.

Your support has been the only thing keeping me going, but I simply can't face doing 2 and a half more books, so I'm ditching unnecessary stories and bringing forwards the conclusion story line.

After BOE has ended, I'll take a break of a month or so, then I'll start work on Beginning of Equestria... Which won't be a comic.  It'll be a text summary of the stories that I had planned for this section, with accompanying artwork to make it visually appealing.

It is nearly time for me to move onto the next big project, and it's one I'm looking forward to.



First, thank you for not just up and stopping. I've been thrilled with the ride so far and am looking for the ending. So I'm good with this plan.